Occurred: 07/21/2016 at 11:42 a.m.
Location: Phil’s Trail Complex
Rescued: Hailey Frechette 45 year old female, Boise ID


On July 21st, 2016, at 11:42 hours, Deschutes County 911 received a call from Jeff Frechette in regards to his wife, Hailey Frechette. Jeff reported that Hailey had crashed her mountain bike at the intersection of Kents trail and the KGB trail in the Phil’s Trail Complex mountain bike area west of Bend. Jeff reported they could not proceed further on their own and would need medical assistance.

10 Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office Search and Rescue Volunteers and two Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office Deputies deployed and assisted the Bend Fire Department in accessing and rescuing Hailey, who sustained injuries from her crash. DCSO SAR Teams utilized a wheeled litter to transport Hailey part of the way down the trail at which point she was transferred to an ATV/Ambu-sled and transported the rest of the way to Skyliners Rd. Skyliners Rd was shut down for approximately 30 minutes at the 4610 Forest Rd junction so that Air Link could land and be available for further transport.

Hailey was flown by Air Link to St. Charles Medical Center in Bend OR, to be treated for her injuries. Hailey had been wearing an appropriate bicycle helmet at the time of the crash.