The three of us, my husband Matt, friend Geoff and I, started relatively early to hike Black Crater. On the descent, my husband, Matt, tripped on one of many hazards on this steep trail, fell and hit his shoulder on a very big rock. The steepness of the trail added to the damage and pain of his shoulder; so much pain, in fact, that he lost consciousness, and upon regaining it, started vomiting. He was walking with Geoff, as I had gone ahead as the slowest downhill walker of the three. I was alarmed to get a phone call from Geoff saying there was an “issue” and asking me to return. Upon hearing about the trauma and the symptoms, I called 911 for help, anticipating the worst.
By the time I had made it back uphill to Matt and Geoff, I had received calls from the Deschutes Sheriff’s office and one of the SAR volunteers, taking information and updates. They told me they were getting a team together and would then be on their way.
My husband continued to be dizzy and nauseated, and it was clear he would not be safe trying to continue the 1.5 – 2 miles left on our descent.
I can’t describe my feelings when, after about 3 hours, I saw the SAR team ascending with a remarkable amount of gear, including a wilderness stretcher. Everyone on the team was so composed, so professional and knowledgeable, that my anxiety lessened greatly. The team did a complete assessment, including an ECG, IV placement careful physical exam then carefully secured him onto the one wheeled stretcher and started the slow process of descending this hazardous trail. An ambulance was waiting at the parking lot; the EMT’s had been in contact with the SAR team, got an updated report and whisked Matt away to St. Charles.
These wonderful people exhibited competency and compassion (as well as remarkable fitness!), checking on Geoff and me several times along the way down, recognizing that Matt’s trauma had been ours also. One of the team, Cathy, followed up with us after Matt was in the ED, showing incredible care and concern.
This is my only experience with being the recipient of a SAR activity; I didn’t know what to expect, but they went so far beyond my expectations. The time, care and compassion these volunteers provide and how well they do it is a great example of giving at a very high level. Deschutes County is both fortunate and honored to have such remarkable people willing to give so much to help strangers in need.